The main publications of the department staff

Svetlana Prokopyeva 

She is the author of the scientific catalogue ‘Sculpture of the Countries of Western and Eastern Europe in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus’ (Minsk: Belprint, 2008) and a number of scientific articles:

•        Sculpture of Western Europe in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. New attributions // Abstracts of the reports of the conference dedicated to the results of the research work by the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus for 1998. – Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 1999. – Pp. 10–11.

•        French engraving of the 18th century in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Aladova Readings. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to the results of research work for the year 2000. May 23–24, 2001. – Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 2001. – Pp. 6–7.

•        Etchings by Jean Barbault // Paviedamleńni Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Reports of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). Issue 3. – Minsk: Belprint, 2001. – Pp. 110–116.

•        ‘Juno’ by Antonio Tarsia. To the history of one work // Biuleteń Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Bulletin of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). No. 1. – Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 2002. – Pp. 10–11.

•        To the history of one attribution // Biuleteń Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Bulletin of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). No. 3–4. – Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 2002–2003. – Pp. 23–24.

•        ‘Mercury with a Flute’ from the collection of Count F. I. Paskevich // Artistic heritage of Gomel Region. Scientific readings. Collection of articles. – Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 2004.

•        Works of English engravers in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Aladova Readings. Abstracts of the international scientific conference. May 20–22, 2002. Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 2002. – Pp. 20–22.

•        Engravings by German masters in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Aladova Readings. Proceedings of the conference dedicated to the results of research work for the year 2002. June 2–3, 2003. – Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 2003. – Pp. 16–20.

•        New attributions of French engravers of the 20th century from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Paviedamleńni Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Reports of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). Issue 6. 2005. – Minsk: Belprint, 2007. – Pp. 214–226.

•        Polskaje vyjaŭlenčaje mastactva XIX – pieršaj palovy XX stahodździa z kalekcyi Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś – Sztuka polska przełomu XIX – XX wieku ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego Republiki Białoruś / A set of postcards in Belarusian and Polish // Compiler and the author of the text is Sviatlana Prakopjeva. – Minsk: Altiora, 2008.

•        Engravings by Giovanni Ottaviani from the series ‘Loggias by Raphael in the Vatican’ and Giovanni Volpato from the series ‘Stanzas by Raphael in the Vatican’ in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Paviedamleńni Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Reports of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). Issue 7. – Minsk: Belprint, 2008. – Pp. 116–136.

•        New attributions of works by French engravers in the early 20th century from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Paviedamleńni Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Reports of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). Issue 7. – Minsk: Belprint, 2008. – Pp. 214–220.

•        Elena Aladova and the history of the formation of the collection of European graphics in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Paviedamleńni Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Reports of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). Issue 8. 2007. – Minsk: Belprint, 2010. – Pp. 242–254.

•        ‘Secrets of Antiquity and Age of Classicism’. Etchings by Domenico Montagu and Jean Barbeau // Paviedamleńni Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś (Reports of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). Issue 8. 2007. – Minsk: Belprint, 2010. – Pp. 108–110.

•        Engravings from Mir in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. As a hypothesis // Mirski zamak. Krynicy stvareńnia muziejnych ekspazicyj: historyka-dakumientalnyja materyjaly i infarmacyjnyja technalohii (Mir Castle. Sources of creation of museum expositions: historical and documentary materials and information technologies: proceedings of the research and practice conference (Mir, May 29, 2009). – Minsk: Belprint, 2013. – Pp. 140–153.

•        Attribution of two portraits from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Acta Anniversaria. Collection of scientific works from the National History and Culture Museum-Reserve ‘Niaśviž’. Volume 2. – Niaśviž: National History and Culture Museum-Reserve ‘Niaśviž’, 2016. – Pp. 270–282.

•        Józef Seibt. Portraits of the Ponińskis from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Research and restoration // Preservation of monuments of fine arts and culture. Research and restoration. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference: St. Petersburg, November 16–19, 2018 / I. E. Repin Institute; scientific ed. Yu. G. Bobrov; comp. A. I. Shamankova. – Saint Petersburg: Chisty list, 2019. – Pp. 98–104.

•        A woman in a golden dress. Sample reconstruction of the subject. As a hypothesis. // Restoration of historical and cultural values: current state and development prospects. Proceedings of the international research and practice conference. Minsk-Mir, March 12-13, 2019. – Mir: Museum ‘Castle Complex ‘Mir’, 2019. – Pp. 51–61.

•        Nadya Khodosevich-Léger. – Minsk: Belarus, 2019.

•        Kazimierz Strzemiński (1888–1938) – the ‘forgotten’ student of Ferdinand Ruszczyc // The art of Ferdinand Ruszczyc in the context of European artistic culture: proceedings of the research and practice conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the artist’s birth (Minsk, December 9–10, 2020) / editorial board: S. I. Aneyko [and others]. – Minsk: A. N. Varaksin, 2020. – Pp. 99–110.

•        Double luck. Early works by Antonio Molinari in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Aladova Readings – 2021: Proceedings of the international research and practice conferehce (Minsk, May 27, 2021) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, National Art Museum of the Republic Belarus; editorial board: S. I. Aneyko [and others]. – Minsk: BelNIIT ‘Transtechnika’, 2021. – Pp. 126–139.

•        Prakopjeva S. I. ‘Jość dzivosny kraj...’ Italjanskija šedeŭry z kalekcyi Nacyjanalnaha mastackaha muzieja Respubliki Bielaruś’ (Prakopjeva S. I. ‘There is a wonderful land...’ Italian masterpieces from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus’ // Mastactva, No.10 (463). Pp. 14–16.

She is the author and co-author of booklets and catalogues for temporary exhibitions:

•        Animalistic genre in the visual arts. Painting, graphics, sculpture from the funds of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Booklet catalogue. – Minsk: National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, 2002.

•        Mastaki Paryžskaj škoły z Biełarusi z karparatyŭnaj kalekcyi AAT «Biełhazprambank», muziejnych i pryvatnych zboraŭ. Art-prajekt. Katałoh vystaŭki 21.09.2012–14.01.2013 (Artists of the Paris School from Belarus from the corporate collection of JSC Belgazprombank, museum and private collections. Art project. Exhibition catalogue 21/09/2012–14/01/2013 / U. I. Prakaptsou and others. – Minsk: Čatyry čverci, 2012.

•        Meeting with Britain: English Art in the 18th–19th centuries. Booklet catalogue. – Minsk: First Exemplary Printing House, 2015.

•        Mater Dei. Iconography of one love: painting and graphics of the 15th–19th centuries from public and private funds of Perugia and the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Exhibition catalogue. National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, February 13–May 3, 2015 / authors of the concept and curators of the exhibition, editors of the catalogue: Fabio de Chirico and Fedora Boko. – Perugia: Fabrizio Fabbri, 2015.

•        East–West. Catalogue of the exhibition of Eastern and Western European art by Princes Dondukov-Korsakov (November 14, 2019 – January 12, 2020) / compiled by M. V. Kazantseva and others. – Minsk: Altiora Forte, 2019.

•        German painting and engraving of the 17th – early 20th centuries in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Album catalogue / compiled by S. I. Prokopyeva. – Minsk: Chetyre chetverti, 2020.

•        Italian fine art of the 16th–20th centuries in the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Catalogue-album / compiled by S. I. Prokopyeva. In Russian and Italian. – Minsk: Colorgrad, 2021.

Yuliya Lisay 

She is the author of scientific and popular science works on the history of Belarusian art in the 19th – early 20th centuries (published in Belarus, Poland and Russia):

Napoleon Orda / Albom na troch movach: bielaruskaj, anhlijskaj i ruskaj (The album is in three languages: Belarusian, English and Russian). The text is written and compiled by Ju. U. Lisaj. – Minsk: Belarus, 2017.

•           Napaleon Orda (1807–1883). Ilustravanaja encyklapiedyja krainy. Vystava z kalekcyi Nacyjanalnaha muzieja ŭ Krakavie ŭ Nacyjanalnym mastackim muziei Respubliki Bielaruś (Illustrated encyclopedia of the country. The exhibition from the collection of the National Museum in Krakow at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus). Catalogue / Compiled by: Kharak A., Lisaj Ju., Kazakouska-Zaukha U. – Krakow, 2017.

•           Russian impressionism: the exhibition from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus 11/01/2019–02/23/2020: catalogue / National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. The introductory article is written by Lisay Yu. V. – Minsk: Kolograd, 2019.

•           Western European context and national originality of Napoleon Orda’s creativity // Proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Napoleon Orda ‘Napoleon Orda: life, creativity and artistic legacy’, Minsk, February 15–16. 2007 / Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore named after Kandrat Krapiva of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; chief editor is A. I. Lokotko. – Minsk: Prava i ekanomika, 2007. – Pp. 187-195.

•           Speech in the discussion on the report of K. Gutovskaya // AVANT-GARDE AND CULTURE: ART, DESIGN, ENVIRONMENT. Collected papers. / UNESCO, / Belarusian State University; under the editorship of I. N. Dukhan. – Minsk: SIMST BSU, 2007. – Pp. 12–20.

•           ‘Nieviadomyja’ na palotnach Jana Chruckaha (‘Unknown’ on the canvases by Jan Chrucki) // Alesia. – 2010. – No. 3. – Pp. 22–23. 

•           Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. Old Lithuania // Paviedamleńni NMM RB (Reports of the NAM of the Republic of Belarus). Issue 8. – Minsk: Belprynt, 2010. – Pp. 78–80.

•           Palotny Stanislava Žukoŭskaha viatskaha pieryjadu sa zboru NMM RB (The canvases of Stanislav Zhukovsky of the Vyatka period from the collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Rodnaje slova. – 2010. – No. 5.– Pp. 92–93.

•           To the issue of artistic space in Russian landscape painting. Landscapes ‘Aspen Firewood’ by Stanislav Zhukovsky and ‘March’ by Isaac Levitan. // Mastackaja adukacyja i kultura. 2012. No. 2. – P. 45–52.

•           Artistic space as an expression of the national picture of the world. Stanislav Zhukovsky // ‘Imia ŭ historyi: Zachodniepaleski rehijon’ (Name in History: Western Paliessie Region). 4th Research and Practical Conference. Conference proceedings. April 17-18, 2015. – Brest: BrDzTU Publishing House, 2016. – Pp. 11-16.

•           Piejzažy Napaleona Ordy: nacyjanalnaja afarboŭka internacyjanalnaj vieduty (Landscapes of Napoleon Orda: national coloring of the international veduta // Napoleon Orda (1807–1883). Illustrated encyclopedia of the country. The exhibition from the collection of the National Museum in Krakow at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Catalogue. – Krakow, 2017. – Pp. 21–25.

•           Napaleon Orda. Illustrated encyclopedia of the country // Mastactva. – 2017.– No. 12. – Pp. 18–20.

•           Zofia Maniakowska-Jazownik, Yulia Lisai. Nieznane praktyki Napoleona. Rysunki Ordy w innym świetle // Notes konserwatorski. 2017. Nr. 19. – S. 139–160.

•           Unknown self-portrait of Aleksander Orłowski from the Gomel collection of the Paskevichs // Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble: from the estate to the museum complex: the collection of proceedings of the International Research and Practical Conference. – Gomel: Bark, 2019. – Pp. 91–97.

•           ‘Wild North’ in the work of Konstantin Korovin. Landscape attribution from the collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus // Restoration of historical and cultural values: current state and prospects of development: Proceedings of the International Research and Practical Conference (Minsk – Mir, March 12–13, 2019) / science editor is V. I. Prokoptsov; editorial board: S. I. Aneyko and others. – Mir: Museum ‘Castle Complex ‘Mir’, 2019. – Pp. 96-105.

•           ‘Lost landscape ‘Herd Crossing the Berezina River in the Vicinity of Bobruisk’ by Apollinary Goravsky’ // Pytańni mastactvaznaŭstva, etnalohii i falklarystyki (Issues on art criticism, ethnology and folkloristics). Issue 27 / Centr daśledavańniaŭ bielaruskaj kultury, movy i litaratury NAN Bielarusi (Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus); science editor is А. І. Lakotka. – Minsk: Prava i ekanomika, 2020. – Pp. 44–51.

•           Ferdynand Ruszczyc ‘Near the Catholic Church’. The history of creation in sketches // Ferdynand Ruszczyc’s work in the context of European artistic culture: proceedings of the Research and Practical Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the artist’s birth (Minsk, December 9–10, 2020) / editorial board: S. I. Aneyko [and others]. – Minsk: A. N. Varaksin, 2020. – Pp. 47–66.

•           Paintings of Apollinary Goravsky at the academic exhibition in 1853. / Yu. V. Lisay // Tradycyi i sučasny stan kultury i mastactvaŭ (Traditions and the modern state of culture and arts): collection of scientific articles. Issue. 2 / chief editor is A. I. Lakotka; Centr daśledavańniaŭ bielaruskaj kultury, movy i litaratury NAN Bielarusi (Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. – Minsk: Prava i ekanomika, 2021. – Pp. 164–168.

•           ‘I do not know if I have pleased the public with the portrait?’ Portrait in the work of Apollinary Goravsky / Yu. Lisay // Aladova Readings – 2021: proceedings of the International Research and Practical Conference (Minsk, May 27, 2021) / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, National Art Museum of the Republic Belarus; editorial board: S. I. Aneyko [and others]. – Minsk: BelNIIT ‘Transtekhnika’, 2021. – Pp. 91–113.

•           ‘Sensitivity to the Present’. Memorial landscape of Vitold Byalynitsky-Birulya // Historyja Mahilova: minulaje i sučasnaść (History of Mahilioŭ: past and present): collection of scientific articles of the 12th International Scientific Conference, June 25-26, 2021, Mahilioŭ / compiled by І. А. Pushkin. – Mahilioŭ: BDUTb 2021. – Pp. 249-256.

•           Landscapes painted by Apollinary Goravsky in Pskov Region // Nash Kray: Literary and regional anthology. Issue 19. – [b.m.]: Izdatelskiye resheniya, 2021. – Pp. 18-29.

Anna Kuznetsova 

Author of scientific articles:

• The influence of the ideas of A. Palladio on the palace and estate architecture of Belarus in the late 18th – mid-19th centuries. // Culture. Science. Creativity: proceedings of the international research and practical conference / Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts; edited by M. A. Mozheyko. – Minsk, 2009. – Pp. 503-508.

• The legend of the Vankovichs’ old elm // Belorussky rodovod. The Vankovichs / compiled by N. A. Golubeva and others; editorial board: T. V. Belova [and others]. – Minsk: Belarus. Encyclopedia named after Piatrus Broŭka, 2012. – Pp. 84–86.

• Estate of the Count Tolstoy family in Grudinovka. An example of Russian Palladianism in the palace and estate architecture of Belarus in the late 18th – the first half of the 19th century // Russian Estate: Two Anniversaries. Problems of studying and preserving the Russian estate heritage in the 21st century: materials of the international scientific conference of the Society for the Study of the Russian Estate; science compiling editor is M. V. Nashchokina. – Moscow, 2012. – Pp. 122-126.

• Palac u Palanečcy: hipoteza aŭtarstva (Palace in Polonechka: hypothesis of authorship) // Aktualnyja prablemy mastactva: historyja, teoryja, mietodyka (Actual issues of art: history, theory and methodology): proceedings of the 3rd international research and practical conference, April 10-11, 2014 / [editorial board: Ju. Zakharyn (executive editor) and others]. – Minsk, 2014. – Pp. 25–29.

• Italjanskija rysy Aśviejskaj siadziby (Italian features of the Asvieja estate)// Bielaruskaje Padźvińnie: vopyt, mietadalohija i vyniki palavych i miždyscyplinarnych daśledavańniaŭ (Belarusian Padźvińnie: experience, methodology and results of field and interdisciplinary research) / Endorsed by D. U. Duk, U. A. Lobach, S. A. Shydlouski. – Navapolack: PDU, 2014. – Pp. 13–15.

• Habrus T., Andrejchuk H. Vybrańniki Afiny: šlach praz Niaśviž (Chosen by Athena: the way through Niaśviž) // Mastackija cudy niaśvižskaj ziamli (Art Wonders of Niaśviž Land: proceedings of the research and practical conference, [Niaśviž, May 23, 2014 / compiled by V. U. Dadzijomava]. – Niaśviž 2014. – Pp. 5–18.

• Krynicy paladyjanstva ŭ architektury Bielarusi (Sources of Palladianism in the Architecture of Belarus) // Acta Ańniversaria: collection of scientific works from the National History and Culture Museum-Reserve ‘Niaśviž’ / NGKMZ ‘Niaśviž’; editorial board: Ju. M. Bokhan (chief editor) [and others]. – Niaśviž, 2017. – Pp. 139–149.

• Historyka-kulturnyja madyfikacyi italjanskich uplyvaŭ u architektury Bielarusi (Historical and cultural modifications of Italian influences in the architecture of Belarus) // Rodnaje slova. – 2018. – No. 8. – Pp. 79–82.

• Reniesansnyja sady Italii jak krynicy farmiravańnia ahulnajeŭrapiejskaj sadova-parkavaj kultury Jeŭropy XVIII – 1-j palovy ChICh st. (Renaissance gardens of Italy as a source of formation of the all-European garden and park culture of Europe in the 18th – 1st half of the 19th centuries // Pytańni mastactvaznaŭstva, etnalohii i falklarystyki (Issues on art history, ethnology and folkloristics). Issue 24 / Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; science editor is A. I. Lakotka. – Minsk: Prava i ekanomika, 2018. – Pp.68–75.

Darya Bartoshuk 

Author of scientific publications:

Kazimierz Stabrowski: an artist-traveler from Belarus // The creativity of Ferdynand Ruszczyc in the context of European artistic culture: proceedings of the research and practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the artist’s birth (Minsk, December 9–10, 2020) / editorial board: S. I. Aneyko [and others]. – Minsk: A. N. Varaksin, 2020. – Pp. 92–98.

Bogdana Tupchienko

Author of scientific publications:

•        The embodiment of subjects and images of the Beowulf Epic in computer and video games // European artistic culture as a resource for the development of world civilization: All-Russian Scientific Internet Conference, 7 October – 5 November 2021 within the framework of the international festival ‘Days of Germany in Tambov 2021’ / Tambov State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after S. V. Rachmaninov. – Access mode: – Access date 12/11/2021.

•        Comparative analysis of the legendary image of Robin Hood and his embodiment in the film directed by John Irwin // Mir kul’tury: iskusstvo, nauka, obrazovanie (World of Culture: Art, Science, Education): collection of scientific articles / South Ural State Institute of Arts named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. – Chelyabinsk: SUSIA named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, 2021. – Issue. 10. – Pp. 137–140.

•        Interpretation of the Anglo-Saxon epic ‘Beowulf’ in the film ‘Beowulf and Grendel’ directed by Sturla Gunnarsson // Mir kul’tury: iskusstvo, nauka, obrazovanie (World of Culture: Art, Science, Education): collection of scientific articles / South Ural State Institute of Arts named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. – Chelyabinsk: SUSIA named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, 2020. – Issue. 9. – Pp. 178–180.

•        The image of magician Merlin and its interpretation in cinema and animation [Electronic resource] // Nacional’naya kul’tura glazami molodykh (National culture through the eyes of the young): a collection of conference materials from the 14th final scientific conference of students, undergraduates and graduate students (May 19, 2020) / Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts. – Minsk, 2020. – electronic optical disc (CD-ROM). – Dep. in GU ‘BelISA’ 24/06/2020, No. D202017. – Screen title.

• Pagan and Christian motifs of the epic ‘Beowulf’ and its screen version by film director Robert Zemeckis // Actual problems of social and humanitarian knowledge: proceedings of the 3rd international student research and theoretical conference, Minsk, BSPU, 18 April, 2018. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2018. – Pp. 162–165.

•        Modern interpretation of the medieval epic ‘Beowulf’ in cinematography // Current issues of social and humanitarian knowledge: proceedings of the 2nd international student research and theoretical conference, Minsk, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maksim Tank (BSPU), 18 April, 2017. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2017. – Pp. 306–308.

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The closest parking spot is along the Karl Marx Str. (paid parking)

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What should I leave in the cloakroom?

All oversized bags, backpacks and packages larger than 30x40x20 cm, as well as umbrellas, must be checked in to the cloakroom or left in the storage room. Bottles of water cannot be brought into the exposition, you can drink water in the lobby or museum cafe on the 1st floor.

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Yes, we welcome visitors in the 0+ age category.