
New opening hours of the museum
New opening hours of the museum
The exhibition “Yehuda Pen, Jacob Kruger. Art Schools of Belarus”
The exhibition “Yehuda Pen, Jacob Kruger. Art Schools of Belarus”
The exhibition “Belarus through the Eyes of Artists” as part of the Days of Culture of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The exhibition “Belarus through the Eyes of Artists” as part of the Days of Culture of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Exhibition of paintings by Pavel Maslenikau “Angles of Creativity: Land, Water, Sky”
Exhibition of paintings by Pavel Maslenikau “Angles of Creativity: Land, Water, Sky”


Mythological scene
Birch Grove
Unequal marriage
My Old and Young Town
The Portrait of the Russian Empress Catherine II
In the Reserve Oak Grove of Peter I

Services, prices and museum events in the section