
Images of China. Exhibition of paintings by Han Yuchen

 Images of China. Exhibition of paintings by Han Yuchen

The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus Main building

Han Yuchen (born in 1954) is a Chinese painter, photographer, calligrapher, researcher at the China National Academy of Arts, Honorary Professor of the St. Petersburg Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

The main theme in the work of the artist Han Yuchen is Tibet. He belongs to a new generation of artists who specialise in depicting the world around them and, most importantly, images of Tibetan locals. Over the past decades, the author has repeatedly made expeditions to different parts of the Tibetan Plateau, observing the traditions and life of the locals and creating dozens of studies, photographs and paintings. The artist's works, painted in a realistic manner, show the viewer the daily life of Tibetans: monks, nomadic shepherds and farmers. Despite the obvious harshness of the climate and the way of life of the locals, in the works of Han Yuchen we see a harmonious world filled with people’s smiles and nature’s bright colours.

The artist's works have also received international recognition. The painting “Shepherdess” was awarded the first prize of the Salon d'Automne in Paris in 2013, and in 2014 the work “On the Path of Pilgrimage” received the bronze medal of the Salon d'Automne, as well as the Lorenzo il Magnifico Award of the 12th Florence Biennale, an international exhibition of contemporary art and design, in 2019.

Han Yuchen has had solo exhibitions at the National Museum of China, the National Art Museum of China, the Musée des Arts décoratifs (France), the Uccle Centre d'artin Brussels (Belgium), the St. Petersburg Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Russia), Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence, Palazzo Ducalein Genoa and Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome (Italy). The artist's paintings arein museums and private collections in many countries all around the world.


Exhibition curator: Katsiaryna Zapeka, senior researcher at the exhibition department

The exhibition is open until May 1, 2023

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