
The Universe of Jazep Drazdovich

The Universe of Jazep Drazdovich

The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus Main building

From October 5 to October 13, 2023, the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus hosts the exhibition “The Universe of Jazep Drazdovich” dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the artist’s birthday. The exhibition presents the works from the collection of the Department of Ancient Belarusian Culture of the State Scientific Institution “Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature” of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

The exhibition displays Jazep Drazdovich’s paintings which are part of his famous “space series”, as well as works in which the artist showed his talent as a portrait painter. Some of the works will be seen by the viewer for the first time. In total, the exhibition presents 8 paintings, as well as 2 bas-reliefs.

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